Tuesday, July 05, 2011
I'm moving.
I'm hoping that my few readers will come along with me, as many things in my life have changed, so I thought it was time to keep up with it all.
See ya there!
Friday, January 21, 2011

Tuesday, January 11, 2011
The Trouble With Labradors.
Poor dog smelled like a gym locker. Yeesh. I had tried everything I could find. I even went to the pet store and talked with some of the associates. I dropped a lot of money on "fixes" that did not work. At. All. Finally, I was at the end of my rope and Googled smelly lab...yes that is what I googled "smelly lab". At that point I was introduced to the fact that poor Macie wasn't alone in her stinkiness.
I read all of the petowner message boards I was pointed to and got quite the edumakashun about the breed and the skin problems that come with it. Having never owned a Lab in my life, I had no idea these dogs were such sensitive little guys. So, armed with this new information, the fact that Macie had some severe dandruff finally made sense. She wasn't chewing her hair off or anything, but she sure did itch herself a lot, and since I never found a flea on her ever (good flea stuff buyer that I am), I knew that couldn't be why she did it. Everything came together for me while reading the boards...as Oprah would say, it was my "A-ha! Moment".
So, I read on to see what others had done. I kept seeing the same product mentioned over and over. It was one that I had never heard of, and after a quick call to the local pet stores, was surprised to find that they didn't even carry. We had to buy it online, and it didn't come cheap, but it is a total miracle! So, for others out there in my situation, I'm ready to "endorse" an awesome pet shampoo, conditioner, and doggie-coat deodorizer. Seriously, this stuff works or I wouldn't mention it. It's called Nova Pearls, and it is a god-send to us.

And this is the deodorizing spray.
Friday, January 07, 2011
Beee-you-tee-fulll Sunrise.
Fitness Friday

For the salty fix I recommend Pringles Snack sticks. They are really yummy.
What I like about these snacks is that they are already portioned for you, so it is a no-brainer. No measuring necessary.
Now of course, you don't want to make a habit of eating these all day long, but they are great when you are really craving junk.
Now, my weight for this week is 235. As usual, it is a work in progress, and of course, I indulged over the holidays--including New Years. And lets face it, ham, cookies, and alcohol is no way to lose weight. So, now I'm back to my uphill battle. I'm on the "serious track" right now, so that number WILL be smaller next week.
P.S. I don't have a personal stake in any of the products I have recommended. They have no idea who the hell I am and if me or my blog disappeared next week, they would not bat an eyelash.
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
Happy 2011!!!!

That my friends is a ditch on our property. We actually had a huge snow melt, and my entire yard was flooded. Life in the country sure is fun. I'm not kidding when I say I was standing up to my ankles in water, all from the snow melting.
Luckily, along with the melting snow came balmy temperatures. It was 58 degrees on December 30th, in Pennsyltucky! Far out! But, that only lasted a couple days. Now we are back down to freezing temperatures, and it is snowing again. Such is life near Lake Erie.
But, I wanted to take some time to wish you all a very Happy New Year! It's 2011!
Oh, and I'm getting married this year!!!! (Sorry, still a little excited about that.)
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Christmas, Finals, Wedding...oh my!

I love you my "minions"! I need more! Brothers! Get on this! However, no minions were to be found when I had to put up the tree that I refer to as my "pretty" tree. Behold, the "pretty" tree:
Friday, December 10, 2010
Fitness Friday
Unfortunately, when it comes to stress eating, vegetables and fruit are out of the question. When stressing out, the only options available are the foods that are "comfort foods". You guys know what they are: doughnuts, cookies, chips, french fries, Big Macs, ice cream, a handful of Hershey's kisses...stuff that tastes like heaven, but later makes you feel like hell. These foods to do absolutely nothing for your energy level.
Handling stress is a real problem for me, and I can get stuck in the rut of grabbing crappy food and scarfing it down. And lately, I've been stressed to the max. That is why when I weighed myself this morning and found that I have gained weight this week and not lost it, I wasn't at all surprised. I was surprised at how much I have gained however. That never ceases to amaze me. I haven't stuck to my plan at all. With Mike back on third shift, evaluations at work, the last week of school, trying to deal with holiday madness, and wedding stuff weighing on my mind daily, I've managed to pack on seven pounds. Yup, seven. 234 this morning. Not good.
So, what does everyone out there in cyber space do to deal with stress? I'm looking for ideas/suggestions here. Don't be shy. You would be helping me deal, and I appreciate any help.
I really wish I was one of those people who had the opposite problem and didn't eat when they stress. This isn't really healthy either, but would be way more helpful in my quest to not look like the Stay Pufft Marshmallow Man at my wedding.
So ideas??? Anyone???? Bueller????