Saturday, January 31, 2009

PINK SATURDAY--Maybe 'cause it's close to Valentine's Day...

I’m one of those very lucky girls who have a guy that gives them flowers. A lot.

My sweetie had given me more flowers within one month of meeting him than I ever received from the boyfriend who had gone before him that I dated for 10 ½ years. I’m also happy to say that he has wonderful taste too, and often picks out the flowers one at a time for a bouquet.

I’m quite lucky.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


I. Hate. SNOW. Seriously.

I used to not mind it as long as it didn't interfere with my life overmuch. But our fairly benign relationship is hear me snow???? O-V-E-R!!!

I mean, winter is one thing, but 18 inches of the crap in 9 hours, now that's a bit much by anyone's standards. I could have let it go, but I had to waste my last vacation day on you!

I wash my hands of you!!!

I will not stick up for you anymore and say that even if you are a pain, at least you are pretty.

We are done, you get it? Done!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Pink Saturday

If you look at my blog and let your eye go right a little, you will see a tiny pink button that is flashing. It says Pink Saturdays. If you are curious, click here to see what it’s all about:
This is my first entry:
Note the pink in this entry happens to be on Sweetie’s feet. This picture was taken at Christmastime in my brother’s mudroom. Sweetie happens to be wearing my future Sister-in-law’s pink fuzzy slippers. (Future Sister-in-law as of Christmas Eve I might add—yay!) Anyhoo, it was just comical to me and I had to snap a photo for posterity.

I figured that it would be a fun first entry for Pink Saturday.


Friday, January 23, 2009

Happy Friday Ta Me.

I woke up late today. Not good, but if I continue with my story you’ll get why. This semester for school, I have class at 8 AM. Okay, not so bad one would think, but then I tell you that in order for that to happen I have to get up at 4:30 AM, and am not kidding. You see, I cannot function without a cup of coffee, so the first five minutes of the morning are comprised of drinking that in order to wake up. Then, because in the wintertime we heat mostly with wood, I have to load up the woodstove in order to make sure that I don’t see my breath while I finish getting ready. After that comes the fun part—my zoo. Both dogs have to be taken outside one at a time on a leash (because they do not listen to me when presented with the vastness of nature). I long for the day that I can just let them out the door and not worry whether or not they will run away. That day is a long way off though, either they’ll have to be geriatric, or I’ll have to win the powerball so that I can put up a six foot stone wall around our property. Outside time can take up to thirty minutes, if I’m lucky it will only take fifteen to twenty. After outside time, the dogs are returned to their crates and the cat is taken care of. I clean his litter box every day, feed and water him and then move on to the fish, who gets his little light turned on and his daily allotment of food flakes. By this time I’m at about 45 minutes into my day. Then we feed the dogs, one at a time, because Mojo is an eater and will steal all of Macie’s food. I feed Mojo first, then take him out. This takes another 45 minutes. Then I feed Macie and take her out—45 more minutes. We are now officially at about 2 hours and 15 minutes into my day. While I’m doing all of the above, I’m also bustling about packing my lunch, fixing my hair, brushing my teeth, make-up, picking out what to wear, doing a load of laundry, making the bed, loading or unloading the dishwasher…you get the idea. Before you think about when I shower, let me just say I have to do that at night before bed, there is absolutely no time in my morning to do that. I can get thrown off my schedule with five minutes spent the wrong way. So when I get up at say, 6 AM—I’ve pretty much messed my day up.

So basically now I’m tired from running around like my head was on fire and my ass was catching, Sweetie is mad at me because he had to do all of the above stuff save filling the fireplace and taking the dogs outside for their first outside of the day (he’s working third, so he has to do this as soon as he gets home, instead of relaxing), and I have to go grocery shopping.
Anyone else having one of those days???

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Resolutions Schmesolutions.

I'll have to post soon to catch everyone up on what's been going on in the family lately, but for today I thought I might go over all of the resolutions that I have broken so far, and 'splain myself. Accountability, I'm all about accountability.

Resolution #1 Lose Weight.I have made this resolution every single year since I was thirteen. I think that at this point, I don't even need to say it to anyone anymore. Now, I have broken this rule every year save 1994-1997. Those were the years that I was "thin" Ah, the good ole days. I broke this rule under the sub-category of "eat healthy", as you all know, this is lumped in the "Lose Weight" category along with "exercise more" and "take vitamins". I have also broken the other two sub-categories, but "eat healthy" was first broken around 8:15 AM on 1/1/09 when I ate four Christmas cookies with a cup of coffee for breakfast.

Resolution #2 Get Organized.This is perhaps my most pathetic attempt at resolutions. This resolution has been on my list since I turned 30. I figured that once I was 30, I needed to start taking control of my life. This resolution has been broken every year as well. This particular year I broke it under the sub-category of "prepare dinners on weekends, so I have time to study". Yeah, um...officially broke it on the weekend of 1/10-1/11. Have been scrambling this week to figure out a way to study while cooking, and somehow still manage to clean up and deal with my zoo. So far, it sucks.

Resolution #3 Finish the Redecorating.This resolution is now officially two years old. Slowly but surely I am getting very little of this done. So far, I've managed to paint my office, procure some artwork for the formal living room, purchase some new furniture for the family room, and finally pick out wallpaper for the kitchen. We'll eventually get there.

Resolution #4 Stop Being a Doormat.I really really wanted to be able to do this one this year, but I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. I mean, it really is easier to inconvenience myself than put others through that...

Resolution #5 Stop Procrastinating.I'll get to that tomorrow, really I will.